William the Conqueror’s Antler Puzzle

7,50 €
inkl. MwSt.
Aim: Can you separate the two antlers... and then reattach them?!

Aim: Can you separate the two antlers... and then reattach them?!

Difficulty rating 4

William the Conqueror (1028-1087)

William won the Battle of Hastings in 1066, and became the first Norman king of England. Norman nobles flooded into the country constructing many famous castles. Although ruthless, William was a great organiser. He compiled the Domesday Book, the first comprehensive list of English landowners. It enabled William to collect taxes effectively. A keen huntsman, he introduced Forest Law which regulated hunting. He reserved a vast tract of forest in southern England for his own use, a small part of which remains today as the New Forest in Hampshire.

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