• Prix réduit

Epic PVP: Fantasy Expansion 1

26,03 €
5,21 € Économisez 80%
Never put a Dark Elf and an Orc in the same room — unless you’re playing Epic PvP: Fantasy, that is! With Epic PVP: Fantasy Expansion 1, you can add the devious Dark Elf and the easily peeved Orc races to your games of Epic PvP: Fantasy as well as the disciplined Monk and the brutal Barbarian classes.

Epic PVP: Fantasy is a head-to-head battling card game. At the start of the game, each player chooses a class deck and a race deck, then shuffles them together to create unique character combinations, such as a Human Paladin or Goblin Druid. Each combination creates unique tactics and strategies to use when you battle.

The goal of the game is to defeat your opponent by reducing them to zero life. Players do this by playing moves that act as both attacks and blocks as well as with special cards and abilities granted by the player’s choice of class and race.

During a turn, a player adds cards to their "aggression pile", then chooses how many cards to draw from their aggression pile into their hand. The player uses the aggression provided by the cards that remain in their aggression pile to play move cards to block incoming enemy attacks. If an attack isn’t blocked, the player takes damage, specifically one damage per unblocked enemy attack. Then all the moves played by that player become attacks for the opponent to deal with on the opponent’s next turn. There’s more to it than that, but those are the basics...

2 Produits

Fiche technique

Nombre minimum de joueurs
Nombre maximum de joueurs
Temps de jeu
0-15 minutes
Dépendante du langage
Utilisation intensive du texte
Un jeu de
Luke Peterschmidt
Un jeu de
Ryan Miller
Combien de joueurs?
Petits groupes (2-4)
Combien de joueurs?
Pour 2
Illustré par
Ralf Berszuck