
7,85 €

Tell Tale is an improv game based only on picture cards, with four different game rules: • Questions/Answers: Each player get eight cards and alternately asks another player a question based on a random picture card, and answers another player’s question using another card.


Tell Tale is an improv game based only on picture cards, with four different game rules:

• Questions/Answers: Each player get eight cards and alternately asks another player a question based on a random picture card, and answers another player’s question using another card.
• Debate: Draw a random card to get a topic to debate; both players use five random cards to imagine convincing (?) points to support their side.
• Tell me a Story: Both players alternately imagine a very short story (one sentence per card) using five random cards each.
• Same and Again: Same as the previous rule, except both players use the same set of five cards (shuffled between each player’s story).

For all of these rules, the winner of the round is designated by the other players.

2 Produits

Fiche technique

Nombre minimum de joueurs
Nombre maximum de joueurs
Temps de jeu
15 - 30 minutes
Dépendante du langage
Pas de texte
Un jeu de
Yves Hirschfeld
Un jeu de
Fabien Bleuze
Combien de joueurs?
Très grands groupes 7+
Combien de joueurs?
Petits groupes (2-4)
Mécanisme de jeu
Illustré par
Hervé Gourdet
Type de jeu
Jeu de cartes