Kroko Loko

10,74 €
Each player tries to make the longest crocodile by feeding it with animals.
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Each player tries to make the longest crocodile by feeding it with animals.

Each player starts with a head and tail of a crocodile. All animal cards are put face down on the table (just like with Memory). The animal cards show an animal on one side and a middle piece of a crocodile on the back side.

Each players, in turn, throws the die, which may show a land, water, or air creature. The player now picks a card from the table. If it displays an animal corresponding to the die roll, the player may add it to the crocodile.

The die can also show a smiling crocodile, a crocodile with a toothache, or a combination of a water, air and land animal. In the case of smiling crocodile a piece may be taken from an opponent and added to the own crocodile. In case of the toothache, the player loses his turn. In case of the combination, the picked card may always be added to the crocodile, no matter which animal is displayed on it.

The game ends when all 28 cards are added to a crocodile. The player with the longest crocodile wins.

1 Article

Fiche technique

Nombre minimum de joueurs
Nombre maximum de joueurs
Temps de jeu
0-15 minutes
Dépendante du langage
Utilisation intensive du texte
Un jeu de
Richard den Dulk
Un jeu de
Nico den Dulk
Combien de joueurs?
Pour 2
Combien de joueurs?
Petits groupes (2-4)
Mécanisme de jeu
Type de jeu
Jeu de dés