Keymelequin is a mini-expansion for the game Keyflower that consists of the two colored Keymelequin keyples — Paulo and Sven — and a ship tile, the Keymelequin.
When the Keymelequin arrives in port, it transports two new characters, Paulo and Sven. Sven, who is a translator, co-ordinator and peacemaker between the blue and yellow keyples, disembarks from the Keymelequin at the end of spring. Paulo, who has similar abilities with red and green keyples, arrives on the Keymelequin at the end of the summer. Paulo and Sven will facilitate team work and co-operation between their respective factions, with powerful and interesting results.
Keymelequin is playable only with a copy of the game Keyflower, and it can be used with the base game on its own or in conjunction with any combination of the other Keyflower promotional tiles and expansions.