This expansion pack contains additional material for some scenarios, which could be played until now only with some handicraft work.
It includes material for Die Wüstendrachen/Wüstenreiter, Der große Kanal, Verwunschenes Land, Die Schatzinseln, and enough material for Groß-Catan, so that you no longer need a second base game for it. Plus, there is a new scenario, Aufbruch ins Ungewisse.
The expansion will be released in October 2009 and after that the rules can be downloaded from www.catan.de. Rules have been reviewed - actual version is v8 from 23th october 2013.
The Expansion contains:
18 Terrain Hexes (including 6 Sea Hexes with Desert on the Backside)
2 Frame Pieces
20 Treasure Tokens
9 Canal Pieces
12 Number Tokens
19 Dragon Tokens
16 Cities