Star Wars: The Card Game – The Battle of Hoth

10,33 €
"Attack pattern delta. Go now!" –Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

"Attack pattern delta. Go now!"
–Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

In The Battle of Hoth, the fifth Force Pack in "The Hoth Cycle" for Star Wars: The Card Game, massive and heavily armored Imperial AT-ATs march forward in inexorable waves while Rebel snowspeeder pilots employ daring group tactics to slow their advance. Meanwhile, the desperate fight on the desolate ice planet of Hoth is destined to have tremendous repercussions throughout the galaxy. Will the Empire’s AT-ATs and stormtrooper legions surround, siege, and destroy the last remnants of the Rebellion? Or will the valiant sacrifices of the Rebel Alliance’s rearguard hold the lines long enough for their allies to find safety?

Inspired by the early scenes from The Empire Strikes Back, the five new objective sets in The Battle of Hoth allow players to recreate the movie’s events or to imagine alternate outcomes. This Force Pack could witness the end of the Rebel Alliance, or it could open an opportunity for its noble spies and smugglers to conduct critical espionage while the Empire’s eyes are turned toward Hoth. As Imperial walkers continue their march and Rogue squadron’s snowspeeders race across the icy battlefield, the fate of the galaxy is on the line!

2 Produits

Fiche technique

Nombre minimum de joueurs
Nombre maximum de joueurs
Temps de jeu
30 - 60 minutes
Dépendante du langage
Utilisation intensive du texte
Un jeu de
Eric M. Lang
Combien de joueurs?
Exactement pour 2
Combien de joueurs?
Pour 2
La science-fiction
Type de jeu
Jeu de cartes